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0823mapssmSo my folks are coming to town in a few weeks (or about a month, depending on when Kid Plesser decides to show up), and they don't have smart phones. In fact, only my dad has a cell phone, and it's a flip phone that I refer to as his "burner." Anyway, the point is that whenever they visit, I drive us all around. And this time, we will need them to be able to run errands for us. Plus, my mom keeps asking me to tell her where Ikea is.So! We went to AAA and bought PAPER MAPS just like it's 2002 and today I marked up the map with all the spots I thought they might like to visit while here. In this photo, you can see Bogart's (which they loved) as well as Once Upon a Crime -- the bookstore that my dad loves.The rest of the day was pretty mellow working on small projects around the house and napping because I feel like total crap in this extreme humidity we're having. Y'all should see my ankles. Or rather, where my ankles used to be.For your internet share of the day, did you hear that THIS GUY is coming to play for the Minnesota Timberwolves?!?! Guess who's gonna try to get to a Wolves game next year, eh? Let's just hope he has learned to show up a little better than he did for his last game at Kansas.