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dogs, dogs and more dogs!

05wI had a session with these two siblings last weekend (a few hours after that wedding), and what a hilarious change of pace! These dogs were SO well trained, it knocked my socks off! In fact, I've had a flurry of amazingly well-trained dogs in the studio lately, and it's been such a blast!That up there is Willow, and I love her long, lean legs. She looks "teenager-ish," but in fact is four! And she harbors a secret love for posing in front of the camera. Obviously a millennial! ;)20wThis is her brother, Nitro, and he is just so charming. Something about how his ears stick out remind me of the adorable and sweet Gizmo.12fixedwAnd here they are together, you know, holding hands. With zero coaxing. (!!) What cuties!For your internet share today, I am personally pretty freaked out by this whole Zika virus, but I think this article nails it on the head.