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don't worry. she's here.

I know it's been a long time since this princess has graced the blog. But man, is she winning gazillions of love points from me this year. Her patience with the kid is UNBELIEVABLE. The idea that four years ago she was returned five times for her behavior with kids just reinforces my belief that kids under age 3 are tough with puppies -- no matter the dog.This was my first week working in the studio each day, and finally last night I made it out to get Magda a dog bed for the space. We trotted up to the studio, I laid out her bed, filled her water bowl, and she promptly positioned herself in front of the door where she has been all day, sniffing madly at anyone who might walk by. Soft growls are reserved for four-legged building residents.We did take a break for a walk in the park across the street -- which was lovely, even in the rain. Overall, I'm quite pleased with how this arrangement is working out.For your internet shares:+ Tina Fey says exactly what I feel. I just want to eat cake. (And ice cream.)+ There are a lot of amazing photos here, but I'm mentioning it because of the albino moose. Wow.+ Have you seen this artist's work at the Mall of America? He has a similar (but smaller) installation at my hair salon. It's magical.