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My Amazon order from a few weeks ago finally arrived today! I put in this order a few weeks ago, and it was set to be delivered last week. But by Friday, it still wasn't here. So I finally logged on to check the tracking (yeah, I'm not so good about that) and saw that it was "delivered" on Monday. Huh. That's funny. I was home all day Monday, and I didn't get a package full of travel books. (And yeah, I'm not forgetting that awesome piece of science fiction tucked in the middle there.)Anyway, I was a little miffed that these books went missing. Especially since it's the third package since December that has been "delivered" by the U.S. Postal Service, when in fact it hasn't. So I called my local branch, and they said they would look into it.After that, I emailed Amazon and let them know. I did not ask for, or expect, a refund since the package had been tracked and it appeared to have gone missing after delivery (Hey there Mr. Postman! I was HOME! Go on! Ring the bell to let me know I have a package!). However, Amazon surprised me a) by contacting my post office and determining the package was delivered to the wrong address b) filling me in on the issue c) offering a full refund or d) offering to re-send the books. What great service!So I opted for fresh copies of the books, and then, to make things EVEN BETTER, they shipped them all at a rush rate. Amazon? Be still my heart.Also, if any of y'all have been to these places and have recommendations, please send them my way! Especially food. I love planning my meals abroad :)