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I had two shoots today, one with an adorable little one year old (who took some first steps when I was there!), and then I got to take this young lady's photo tonight. It was so much fun talking to her during the shoot. She reminded me a lot of myself at that age, except she was much better dressed. She's the editor of her high school yearbook and she is pondering a lot of colleges for different reasons, and it just took me back.When I was her age I was *all business.* I was working at the city paper as well as the editor of my high school paper and I was working a second job as well (for tip money). And I had college all planned out so I could get out in four years and start my career right away. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME? In all honesty, the hard work paid off tenfold, but man do I sometimes wish I would have taken a year off to travel. With what money, I have no idea. But I do still dream about it. Um, which is probably why I get the bug to travel so much now...The big news with my father-in-law today was that he got out of bed and into a chair. That might not seem like a big deal to you guys, but it was to us. Otherwise, I believe his status is about the same. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.