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1214dunordwWell, I'm sort of a mess over here... pushing procrastination to the extremes. Blogging for the day at 11 pm? It's like 2012 over here!Tonight I met up with some of my girl friends from the newspaper (see? it really IS like 2012!) for drinks after work. We got some Korean BBQ takeout (yum!) and headed to this new(ish) distillery, where we drank amazing hot toddies and caught up on life. And you guys? Warm drinks on days like this are essential.I was just thinking today that for being in the single digits, temperature wise, the cold really wasn't bothering me much, and I must now be a true Minnesotan. But then walking to our cars this evening was brutal and I wanted to curl up in a ball and die. When I turned on the car, the announcer was saying the windchill was twenty one degrees below zero. So yeah. I guess that's where my breaking point is. Jesus.For your internet share, I only have one.+ This. It's important.