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Yeah, it's kinda pretty here. This is the view from the three-season porch, which lucky for us has a bed in it. We sleep here every trip, and waking up to this view is pretty spectacular. I love how when the water is still like glass, the clouds reflect perfectly.Today included coffee, snacking, card games, napping and reading. Then we decided to head into town to the City Hall where they were having happy hour and a meat raffle. Oh yeah, you betcha.We took the dogs and enjoyed our drinks outside, talking to the locals about the raffle and various dog breeds. Lots of them were interested in Merlin -- they had never seen a dog like him before (such a handsome prince). Then on the drive back, you'll never believe what we saw.A wolf.Yup. Walking down the road near our cabin. And he wasn't even moving out of the way, just slowly walking. I slowed the car down and he finally moved off to the side of the road. Then he turned and just watched us in the car.The dogs saw him and started barking, and he just stared at the car. Jamie, bless his heart, had my camera in his lap and tried to take a photo (I was driving), but it didn't turn out -- my camera was set for the stars from last night's images.But seeing that wolf so unafraid of us and just staring the car down -- it was wild. So this year we've already seen a deer and a wolf, and last night I saw two ... beavers? otters? muskrat? swimming off the dock in the dark. Lots of nature this trip!Also, we will now take all dog walks as a family down the road as Jamie is a touch nervous about it just being one of us and Magda vs. a pack of wolves. I kinda doubt that sort of thing would happen, but I'm happy to have more family time!