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early morning walk

1106walksmThis morning, after a little yoga to stretch out this old, creaky body of mine, I took the dogs for a walk in the remaining snow. Oh yeah! It snowed last night! Only about an inch (if that), but enough to where poor Magda thought the sky was falling when we let her out, and she stood shivering under the roofline looking terrified at the flakes as they fell. But this morning she took great delight in eating the leftover snow, so I think she'll recover.What was so amazing about the snow, however, was that the cold just made all the leaves fall right to the ground while they were still vibrant and not-yet curled up. It made the sidewalks so lovely to walk through this morning. And it made for fun photos! I took those shots up there with my phone as I try not to lug my regular camera out on walks too often.The rest of the day was spent working on my two upcoming events (the dog shoot and the workshop, in case you're just catching up) as well as prepping the calendars I'll be selling this year. I'll have photos and pricing soon -- please be patient!For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you some of my inspiration. I've mentioned before that Sean Flanigan is one of my very, very favorite photographers right now, and his weddings blow me away. I truly aspire to capture life in the manner that he does, and every time I see his work I have two thoughts: 1) My work is complete shit and how can I possibly think I can make a living as a photographer and 2) Oh man I want to get that good so bad, I'm gonna keep busting my ass because I have so much more to learn. Yup. He drives me to be better.