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early riser

I left the house at 7 am today to get to campus by 7:20 so I could be ready for the first day of class (and have time to snap a photo). Class was the best part of my day, BY FAR. After leaving the U, I ventured into the office for's first deadline day on the new computer system. I left at 8:30 pm (yup, 13.5 hours of work today) angry and in need of dinner (and wine). I have now had my wine, and I guess I might go back tomorrow.The short of it? Being in the first group of staffers to launch a brand new computer system kindof sucks. OK. Really sucks. But tomorrow will be better. It has to be.The photo is of campus first thing this morning. So quiet. You can barely see it, but we were having slight flurries at the time.