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Back in March, when I was at SXSW, I ran into a buddy on the street and he introduced me to his friend, a Minneapolis rapper named Ecid. They gave me a copy of his new CD and we chatted for a bit, and then we each wandered off to a show. A few months later, I was digging in a bag and found the CD (you are handed SO much music and promo cards in Texas that week, that it's no wonder I forgot about it). And I threw it in, and there were some songs on there that just hooked me immediately. In fact, I think I immediately messaged a few friends to go give it a listen. And then I just never went to check out the live show. For one reason or another, I couldn't make it to the shows or they were super late, or it was $20 and he was only the opener, yada yada yada.But this week, Ecid came to my art opening, and we chatted for a bit. I immediately felt horrible for not seeing him live yet, and vowed that I would. Which worked out nicely since he had a show tonight, and even though he went on after midnight, I am off tomorrow so I could still make it work. Anyway, I was so glad I went. It was a short set, but well worth the five bucks it cost to get in, and he was full of life and energy and super fun to photograph. Plus? Rad shoes. You can see them in the other photos I took here.