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1101dollysmHow adorable is this little lady? This is Dolly, my parents' new beagle that they got this summer.She's from a breeder in Kentucky, so my parents named her after Dolly Parton. Yes, I realize THAT Dolly is from Tennessee. I explained that to my mother, and her response was, "Same difference."Dolly here is eight months old, and she is a touch stubborn -- but still adorable. Today we taught her how to shake hands, and she learned super fast. Because of her stubbornness, "down" is causing more trouble. What this little girl doesn't know is that we work with Magda. We are so ready for this.Besides getting to meet this adorable little girl today, I also got to see tons of family that I haven't seen in years. My aunts and uncles came in from New Mexico, California and Boston to spend the weekend with my grandmother, and it is so fun to see everyone and pick up on the quirks that prove they are my family.No internet shares this weekend because I'm staying at my parents and they don't have wi-fi (I know! It's like 2002!), so I'm having to steal internet access from places like Dairy Queen to get this blog posted. The last thing I want to do is hang out any longer to find a good internet share. But I'll make up for it when I return, I promise.