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ending the year with warm, full bellies

1231soupsmHappy New Year, you guys! As of this moment, I have been blogging for five years straight! Every single day! Isn't that CRAZY?YES, THAT'S CRAZY.Thank you all so, so much for following along for all these years. I know at times it's been sad, boring or maddening. But at other times I think it's been a lot of fun, and I'm so glad you  have stuck with me.Today I worked my tail off and then cooked a bunch of stuff. I can't really tell you what I made just yet, but you should know that it's for a big project I'm starting in 2014, and you will benefit from it all. Oh yes, yes you will.This is the first New Year's Eve that Jamie and I have stayed home in years and years and years (I think about 10 years at least). But I have a shoot tomorrow, a wedding to shoot on Thursday and I'm teaching my full day workshop on Saturday (which I am SO EXCITED ABOUT!!). So I think I should be on my A game for the rest of this week, and staying out late drinking in the freezing cold won't really help with that. Yup, that's me, making all these Adult Decisions. It's interesting how much more that matters when you are running your own business instead of working for a corporation (or newspaper).In the spirit of saying goodbye to 2013, I'm going to send you to my buddy Brian's rdio playlist featuring his favorite music from this year. He has a great ear, and I agree with him 99% of the time, so I think you should go give it a listen while you eat a big-ass greasy breakfast and bring in 2014.