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everyday should begin with fresh flowers

0808flowerssmToday was (is) busy! I have already had four photoshoots and I have another one later tonight (if the rain holds). The photo above was from my first stop of the day, to photograph a florist putting together wedding bouquets at an event center in town. This company decorates huge parties and conventions (the Republican National Convention, for example) and they had so many interesting props in their space -- like 15-foot Oscar Statues! And every kind of chair, table, lamp and silk flower you could ever imagine. It was truly fascinating.But since we all know that peonies are my favorite flower (maybe tied with Ranunculus), I chose this image for my photo of the day.I have three more shoots this week, which will end my 11-shoot week. And then I will collapse into a jello-like puddle on my sofa eating frozen grapes and making my mind numb with television. Do not judge.And I am sooooo happy with today's internet share of the day. These are some of the most gorgeous wedding photos I've ever seen, and it's for the wedding of Matt Saracen (from Friday Night Lights). And yes, I know that's not his name but his character's name, but really, won't he always be Saracen to us? Enjoy!