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Today was the funeral and the Shiva and man, are we all exhausted. Even the dogs are completely wiped out. I love this photo of Rafie yawning and Jamie's brother passed out on the porch behind him. And holy cow, do we have a ton of leftovers in the house. Attention Kansas City: If you are hungry, please come over and take some food. Seriously.It was great to meet so many interesting friends and family today, and very hard to say goodbye so soon. Tomorrow it will be tough as well because Steve, Amanda and the kids are all leaving, and you guys know how much I adore my nieces and nephews. We'll get to see them all at breakfast though, and that will be nice.And you should have seen Memphis today! She was... herself while the house was full of guests (friendly, tail wagging, attempting to steal food). But the best was during the Shiva service when the Rabbi blew the Shofar, which is the horn of a ram that is blown through the tip. The sound that thing made? Man. Memphis thought it was time for the hunt! But between Jamie and I, we kept her sitting on the floor. And that might have been the accomplishment of the day.