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0312handssmMy mom arrived in town today from Wichita. This was a huge feat because she flew for the first time by herself since 2003 (when I moved to Minneapolis). I was pretty nervous about her getting through security and the enormous Minneapolis airport, but she managed just fine. She was seated next to a 7-year-old boy who was traveling by himself to Washington DC. He helped mom out by reminding her of the finer tips of airline travel, like buckling her seatbelt on the airplane and scoring free sodas from the flight attendants.Anyway, from the airport we went straight to daycare to pick up Ezra and there was a lot of love between the two of them today. I'll have loads of photos in my weekly Monday at the Madhouse post, but I loved this image of their hands together. And yes, my mom's nails are ALWAYS perfectly manicured. And no, mine are never that nice. It probably drives her nuts... (sorry Mom!).Tomorrow we have some fun things planned, but for now I'm going to close and go spend time with the family. Oh! But before I forget, here is the trailer to the new Kurt Cobain documentary that looks extremely sad, but real. Those family video clips just tear my heart open.