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favorites of 2017

I've been culling a few of my favorite client* shots from 2017 recently. It's a good way for me to reflect on the year and it's a good way for me to look at my work and see where I need to improve for 2018. It's also a fresh reminder each year to work hard at finding jobs that feed both my wallet AND my soul. I'm hoping 2018 is the year where I get those needs more in balance! Anyway, here are just a few of the shots I have chosen for this year.Here's what I notice when looking at them: Not enough concerts (related: not enough sleep), not enough dogs (I'm not sure this will ever change! I just can't get enough of them!) and not enough food (I miss it!). So those are my goals for next year. But here's what I loved.*These photos do not include the images I took for myself (like my child, my dog or the zoo or vacations -- like Norway, for example).