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feeding the chickens

post by Leslie

A few weekends ago, my friend Meredith asked for some help checking on her chickens in the heat as she and her guy were heading up north for the weekend. And yes, "checking on chickens" is real and not code!I knew Ezra would love to do this, so I heartily agreed and we headed over to add ice to their water and make sure all was well. I was hoping to capture photos of my boys holding the birds, but they are two peas in a pod in that they firmly said no. I held them a little, but I can't very well take photos of myself holding a chicken.But you know what else Meredith has in her back yard? A HAMMOCK! So I hopped up there and snuggled with my boy for a bit before the 95-degree heat got the better of us.Special thanks to Jamie for snapping a few shots of me and the boy.For your internet share of the day:+ People are terrible. Especially racists.+ Yeah. Being a woman is awesome. I mean, it is, but...+ I made this for dinner last night and it was awesome.