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first birthday

0810DezsmThis morning I got up suuuuper early to take photos of Dez (who you see above). He is turning one in a few days, and his parents wanted photos of him at his first birthday. They kindly agreed to my request for a cake photo (yay!) and we proceeded to give the little guy more sugar than he has ever had in his life. Aren't these parents great for agreeing to this? Yes, I think so, too.I also had coffee with the amazing Meredith today. This lady is about to leave for Paris, Prague, Krakow and Budapest.RIGHT?? I'm jealous, too! But so excited for her to see all of these wonderful spots. So as we sipped the best lattes on the planet and discussed Europe, we also talked about upcoming creative projects, books we're reading and dog training. Yeah, I love this lady to pieces.For your internet share of the day, I'm gonna give you the Colbert + Daft Punk video that's making the rounds. I realize many, many of you have seen this, but it has come to my attention that some of you have not yet, and it makes me smile. Plus? It's hard to find new stuff on the internet on a Saturday! So here you go! Enjoy!