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foiled by clouds. again.

0909lakesmBah. These clouds are killin' me this year! In 2014, I have tried to get out and take photos of a meteor shower, a super moon and now last night's Harvest Moon, and each time I am met with overcast skies. Foiled again!Jamie and I planned a picnic at Lake Harriet last night so I could shoot the moonrise afterward (when it was big and full), but this was all I got. Sad.Since I can't show you squat that *I* shot of the Harvest Moon, my internet share today is photos that others around the world captured (keep scrolling -- I think they get even better toward the end!). Also, I thought The Atlantic (one of my all-time favorite place to find stunning imagery) would have an essay, but as of this posting they did not.However, their photos of the week last week were just fantastic, so you should check those out as well. If you don't believe me, know that the first image is a wedding photo SHOT UNDER WATER. Yup.