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for a good cause

What a day. First off, have I mentioned how gorgeous it is in this city this month? Holy Batman, it's amazing out. But besides having a lovely day outside, I ended this evening at a burlesque show with Margaret to celebrate her birthday.Lili's Burlesque (our favorite troupe in town) was hosting an event to raise money for the animals affected by the oil spill in the gulf. They had brought in performers from Chicago and Austin, TX. But you know what was different about this show? From all the others?Wait for it.Men.Yes. There were men, taking their clothes off as well as the lovely ladies. I was really tempted to put one of those photos up today, but my father reads this blog. So this one's for you, dad.But hey! All you ladies out there! (Hi Mom!) Don't worry. Sunday afternoon, while the football is on, I'll edit the rest of the take, and I'll post some of the men. Come back and check in. You won't regret it. UPDATE: The photos of the whole performance are up! You can check them out over here.