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forgive me for the rant

This morning I had a shoot for my friend Alice who runs her own styling consultancy. She needed some fresh photos for her website and wanted not just portraits, but some shots of her working with clients, which is what led to this shot here. I have been shopping with this woman, and let me tell you, she is a force to be reckoned with at TJ Maxx. If you are thinking you might need some help updating your wardrobe, please go check her out.But something else happened during today's shoot. I got a text, which I dutifully ignored until we were done, that let me know I had won more design awards for in this year's Society of News Design competition. So tonight I had a big-ass glass of wine, flipped double birds in the direction of that old college professor that told me I should aim for "something with less style," shouted a quick rant about the boss that didn't trust I could be creative enough and wanted to keep me out of features and magazine design, and just basked in the glory of proving them all wrong. Today's lesson? Don't let rejection get you down. Fight for what you are passionate about, and fight hard.