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free pie?

Happy Thanksgiving you guys!We had a pretty great day up here. Tons of food and tons of friends and a lot of laughing and happy puppies... it was a nice and relaxing holiday. We ended it by inviting a few people over for dessert and drinks, and that is always a really fun time. We got to catch up with friends we hadn't seen in awhile, and the dogs got their fix of licking strangers.The only problem was that I bought two pies for the occasion (we normally have 6-7 bottles of wine on hand and some beer in the fridge, so I didn't really bother stocking up on that stuff). And then when everyone left we had three more bottles of wine than we started with AND ANOTHER PIE. People, I will take the wine, we all know my soft spots. But not the pie. I need this stuff out of my house pronto. If you have any interest in free pumpkin or blueberry pie, please come by and take it. There will be no judgement, only gracious thanks.These photos are of my man being all manly and carving the turkey over at Eric and Betz's this afternoon and my friend Stacy's Prosecco and blackberries tonight at our place. I love those bubbles...But seriously. Come get some pie.