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fresh start

Hello! And Happy New Year!Did you all have a refreshing and wonderful holiday? I wish I could report that I did, but I've been fighting a terrible head cold for most of the break. That said, it's been a joy to step away from work for a bit and spend some extra time with my boy.Today, I took him on an amazing adventure to... the eye doctor. But he was a great sport about it, so afterward I took him to the MIA (our favorite free art museum). We did a wonderful scavenger hunt while there, snacked on a muffin, played in the kids area (which is so great) and then left with a new book (yes, I'm a sucker). It was a great visit.If you have kids and you need a good winter getaway, that museum (and their scavenger hunt -- which you pick up at the information desk) is great.Now, let's talk about 2018. Do you have any personal goals? Besides eating better and exercise? I want to see and photograph more live music. Not as much as my pre-child life, but more than the last 3 years for sure. I also want to photograph more dogs and puppies (bring them to me, people!), and I'm dying to photograph a wedding in the woods. If you know anyone who is planning one of those, get at me.Personally, I want to see my girl friends more. Maybe start a supper club or a card night? Not sure. And I want to take more photos for me, not for money (if that makes sense). If you're up for it, I'd love to hear about your own resolutions in the comments! And happy new year!