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Today was full of work. Photo editing and planning and meeting and invoicing and paperwork. And then I took a break and kidnapped Meredith and we went to a happy hour over at the Red Stag where I got to meet the lovely Sara and Eliesa in real life (I have known them on the internets for awhile now). That proved to be a much-needed reprieve from the computer, and wow does that place have yummy fries.When I dropped Mere back home, I ran inside and snapped a few shots of her decor. It's very bohemian in her place and very homey and chill. I like it. Nice and relaxing.Then I came home and got back to work. I gotta say, I have an insanely busy week ahead of me. But that's ok, because then I get to escape to the beach for a few days, and that should be totally worth it!