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frustrated puppy

0804magssmSo I'm working with Miss Magda on the final stretch of this secret project (which will be revealed in less than two weeks), and it requires studio photos. She is very patient with these photos for about two minutes. Then she is fed up, and begins barking at me to voice her displeasure (oh, and the glares that come along with the barking). This particular project took about an hour to shoot, so we broke it into three 20 minute sessions (or so) to try to appease her. Yeah, I'm not sure that worked. Anyway, we finally got the shot (yay!), but I also loved this outtake of her barking at me -- catching her mid-howl!OK, and for your internet share of the day, you get more fascinating photography -- this time it's a project called Bodyscapes -- landscapes made out of humans. Very cool stuff.