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get used to it

post by leslie

Oh look. Another photo from Lake Superior. Yeah, about that...The next two weeks in my world are going to be i.n.s.a.n.e. I have many, many shoots and I'm moving (more on that later). So while this weekend's vacation was *amazing*, it also was a wonderful break before a huge storm that is hitting me this very second.And because of all this work, I don't have (and won't have) time to process all my vacation photos and do a big post. I'm simply tackling my favorites one at a time and then we'll see where we land time-wise. OK? Sound good? Thanks for understanding.This photo was taken from Shovel Point, which is my favorite hike on the North Shore. It's easy and has a wonderful payoff. But this photo was magic because as we were driving up to the park to begin the hike, the point was covered in a giant cloud. And as we hiked, we could see the fog at the top. And it was thick (and magical) and not great for my photo aspirations.Then we got to the very top, and right then, a gentle breeze came in and blew away the fog for this shot. And two minutes later we were fogged in again, and I was so grateful for this brief respite right when we were at the top!Just wait until you see some of the video (TEASE!). More on that later.Now, for your internet shares of the day:+ I am loving my friend Katie's instagram regarding the remodeling of her fixer-upper huge old house. You should follow along.+ These portraits of senior citizens make me so happy.+ Upcoming design trends spotted in the latest Ikea catalog.