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girl time

1002magssmToday my amazing and wonderful friend Courtnay came by with homemade soup, a stack of fashion magazines and the equipment for pedicures. WHAT. A. LADY.The timing could not have been more perfect, as I found out that the first infection I was treated for in the hospital is resisting all meds and I am now on my FIFTH prescription of antibiotics. People, this is stupid. I am itching to get out and about and experience this fall and walk to coffee shops and take photos of fall foliage and use that awesome baby stroller I was loaned and you know what? The dogs would love a walk as well.But I don't have the strength or energy, and I'm instead stuck upstairs watching the season from my windows while I try my damnedest to heal. In case you hadn't picked up on this yet, patience is not exactly my strong suit. And I have been a pretty good patient for the last 16 days, but dude, this is getting old.So you can see how giddy I was to get all these pretty magazines! Plus, dreaming about shopping is about seven thousand times more fun when you're not pregnant!So that's the update over here. Some of you might be wanting to see baby photos... I'm taking them (don't worry), but I don't want this to become "The Ezra Blog." So I'll post another roundup soon. In the meantime, I did post one on Instagram last night, so those of you baby lovers can get a fix over there.And I have two great internet shares today! Both for animal lovers. First, watch this baby owl check out the video camera! So adorable! And second, look at these 35,000 walruses who have invaded Alaska! Wow!