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girl candy

Summers are so amazing in Minneapolis -- and not just because of the awesome weather. But, for instance, tonight there were THREE different shows that I *really* wanted to go to, plus an art opening! (I made it to the art opening and one show -- only because I had a photo shoot that cut into my evening a bit).And tomorrow is Rock the Garden, so that's a full day of music. And if you can't make it/afford that, there's the Stone Arch Festival which is FREE music all day down by the river. And then more stuff AFTER the festival. So many amazing options -- just never enough time! Yeah, life here is good.But back to tonight. Free Energy were back at the 400 Bar, and Jamie LOVES seeing these guys live (as do I), so that was a no-brainer. You guys, I think I've seen this band play... eleven times off the top of my head (and there may be more). I always think that I'll get to the show and be bored (because let's face it, I've kinda seen all their moves), but I never am. I am always highly entertained and grinning like a fool as I shoot photosAnd speaking of enjoying the show, my, my, my have the young ladies caught onto this band. It was like the Beatles! Even blatant ass-grabbing! And the swooning, wow... I think I might have taken more shots of the crowd than the band this time! Anyway, as I said, good times all around.More photos are up over here. Enjoy!