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giving birth

Sooo... you know how I'm usually really busy with work at and work at Shuttersmack and work at Rivets and Roses and work teaching at the U? And going to concerts? And stuff like that? Well, my man has been really busy, too.Besides his hard work over at Best Buy (btw, he just got a big promotion and I am SUPER proud of him), he has been working with a few buddies to launch a brand new website. And not just like a portfolio site or a blog or something like that (which is still hard as hell, I realize), but a site that has users and a social aspect and a gaming feature. So, you know, it's *complicated.*And I could not be prouder of my man and his buddies and this site. It's called Plumspotter, and if you click on that link you can go sign up for an invitation. The site just went live, oh, maybe an hour ago, and right now it's invite only while the "game" aspect gets populatedBut in the next few weeks, it will start opening up to the public. And do you see how in this photo of my computer screen I'm the No. 1 spotter? Meaning I am kicking everyone else's ass at this game? Yeah, that's because I was the first person to sign in. When this baby goes public, I expect a fast decline. Best to document my No. 1 status while it lasts, eh?So wait. What is this all about? Why should I care? Let me tell you! It's a site where you can 1) Show what amazing, bad-ass taste in music you have by choosing bands that you think will be the next big thing and then earning points based on those decisions and/or 2) Find friends/users who have similar musical taste as you and follow them to find new music to hear (because who doesn't need more music!?). Fun, right? Now go get on it! Pronto!No, really. Why are you still here? Go sign up right now. Seriously.