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good morning sweet superior

1005sunrisewLast night I slept in a room far from a toddler or a dog who could wake me up at the crack of dawn. I was under a down comforter next to open windows with a crisp breeze and the sound of the lake crashing on the rocks below me. I was free to sleep in like a sloth and enjoy every minute of it.So of course I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5:57 am.THIS CHILD HAS RUINED ME. But I guess it's all been worth it.Anyway, I threw on some jeans, brushed my teeth, and headed out to take some photos of the sunrise. I mean, what else was I gonna do? Lay in bed checking facebook and playing games on my phone? (Actually, that would have been great as well! But not every day do you have that gorgeous lake outside your door). So I headed out and was completely, one hundred percent thrilled that I did. The sunrise did not disappoint.Then we had breakfast, went for a hike, grabbed some coffee and hit the road. I got back to Minneapolis at 3:45 pm, just in time for my 5 pm family photo shoot down at the lake. Did I mention I barely squeezed this trip in? Yeah. That's an understatement. But again, totally worth it.I don't have much of an internet share today, but I did think this was hysterical, and I would love to see what Magda would do if I tried to carry her in my purse.