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Good morning, Wisconsin

01smYou guys, I am having such a great birthday. Sure, I'm not in Montreal, but I am loving Bayfield, and this part of Wisconsin and the cabin we got is FANTASTIC and we have eaten amazing food and really, I am just having a damn good birthday. My only complaint is the amount of mosquitos and ticks up here in the woods, but that's to be expected.This morning, Mags woke up around 5:30 am, and we got up with her (after a bit of snuggling). After feeding the dogs and some slow-poking around the cabin, I took the car into town for provisions (which we arrived too late last night to secure). On my way into town, I was blown away by the lovely fog, so I had to stop to take a few photos of the shoreline where I could. Like the one above. And this one below.02sm 03smI next hiked over to the ferry landing and the marina just to check things out. The water was so calm and peaceful!04smAnd then I made my way to the market and to the coffee shop for THE MOST AMAZING maple and walnut scone along with some delicious coffee to bring back to the cabin for Jamie (plus the morning paper).10smOn my way back, I decided to call my mom. It was about 8:30 by now and we don't have great reception at the cabin, so I thought I'd get her while I could from the road. She was asking how the dogs were, and I was telling her how we needed to be sure to keep them on the leash because apparently there are a ton of bears near our cabin. And then! RIGHT THEN! Look what was in the road in front of me!05smYeah! A bear! My mom (and dad and mother-in-law) all asked if it was a "big" bear, and honestly I have no idea what the average size of a bear is. It was larger than Merlin? That's all I could really come up with.06smYup.12smSo then, back to the cabin for breakfast, the newspaper and a nice, long morning nap. Cute cabin, eh? You should see the amazing kitchen and fireplace! Lovely.11smLater this afternoon, we both drove back into town for some books and lunch. We had fresh lake trout at Greunke's here, which was great. I loved the atmosphere of this place.07sm(Here is the inside.)08snAnd then we picked up some books and walked down to the fisheries to get some smoked fish dip because that is one of my favorite treats ever. Oh, and before you all get started, yes I know pregnant ladies aren't supposed to have a lot of fish. It's why I have had ONE PIECE OF SALMON since January. But fresh lake trout (not farmed) is one of the few fish I *can* eat, and besides I think all these lists of "cans" and "can'ts" are ridiculous, so don't even get me started.09smOn the way to the fishery, we passed the Maritime museum and I snuck into this old ship room to take this photo for my dad. We didn't explore the rest of the museum, maybe tomorrow. I suspect if my folks ever come up this way with us, we'll do that together as my dad loves those places. Also, Dad, if you're following along, there's a Coast Guard station here! (He was in the Coast Guard.)Tonight we're gonna go eat a fancy dinner and then have a piece of delicious blueberry pie that I picked up from a road-side stand near the berry orchards. Pretty perfect day. Pretty much the opposite of yesterday.