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0805flowerssmOh man, these last two days have been so rewarding. I am so fortunate to be working on another amazingly fun and creative shoot with Scotch brand for 3M. The photo up there includes just some of the props laying around on set today (along with my new blue suede shoes -- so comfy).I am working with such a fantastic team of artists and creatives this week. Pinch me, please.Also this month, some of my dog work has been re-published in the August issue of Mpls/St. Paul magazine, so check that out if you have a chance while waiting to purchase groceries. I have two other super fun projects that will see the light of day soon (one of them is the famed toothbrush shoot!), and I'll be sure to alert you to those when they are ready. I really don't mean to come across as a braggart, but it's just exciting when all your secret projects start to surface :)Ok, for your internet shares today! I really, really wish I had been there to shoot this photo. And for something a little meatier, I always love reading about people who love their work and why. So of course, this fascinated me.