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0925bloomsmOh you guys, you guys blow me away. I have had *so* much help and good wishes and such since I got home from the hospital. Loads of gorgeous flowers (those up there are from the wonderful people at Zeus Jones -- sent from my favorite florist, Spruce) and loads and loads of *amazing* food. I mean, the most amazing food. Not just a dinner here or there, but SNACKS that I can eat with one hand while nursing! And so much lemonade! And some sparkling water to mix it with! Just all of my favorite stuff.And that doesn't even cover the amazing gifts this kid of mine has gotten lately! Peepee teepees (much needed after that one day when I was peed on 3 times), adorable outfits, and adorable stuffed animals as well. I am seriously blown away by all this generosity.But besides being grateful for my amazing friends and support network here in Minnesota, I am grateful that my Dad has had some wonderful health news. Remember back when he was having surgery on my due date? He was having a suspicious cyst removed from his head. It was making its way through his skull toward his brain. It was terrifying.But! The surgery went well and we just found out that the cyst was just that. Nothing but a simple cyst. No cancer! No further treatment needed! Can I tell you my relief!? And so as I type this, my mom and dad are driving up to Minnesota to meet their first grandkid. And that's pretty rad.An interesting twist in them coming this weekend is my own health issues. So remember how I told you my incision was infected? I got a call from the doctor today and apparently it's infected with a rather rare bacteria and the antibiotics I've been taking for it are useless. And there's only one kind of antibiotic that works on this strain of bacteria, and that's a penicillin-based medicine.Oh. Have I mentioned that I'm allergic to penicillin?OK, let me be honest. It's not an allergy as in my throat will close up and I'll stop breathing and die. It's a reaction upon which I'll begin projectile vomiting (not a *whole* lot better...). So! I get to start that treatment tonight! They also prescribed some anti-nausea medicine to try to counteract my reaction.So this weekend with my parents? This oughta be good...