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graves 601

Work, work, work, work, work. But it's all fun work, so I'm trying not to complain. That said, Imma crawl in bed now and collapse under the covers.Oh wait. I guess that wouldn't be a very interesting blog post, would it? OK, OK, here are some details. This photo was shot at the Graves, where I had a walk through today for a wedding I'm shooting next week. I really love the Graves -- it's a beautiful hotel. But I would love it more if they would let some light in. This corner was one of the brighter spots I found tonight. The shoot's gonna be tricky, but I'm working hard on some creative solutions. I'll surprise y'all next Saturday with what I ended up doing.Oh. Heh. I should warn you guys. I have four weddings over the next two weekends, so if the lovey dovey stuff makes you queasy, you might want to skip the blog for a bit. But I'm also gonna throw some rock'n'roll in there to keep things even. Gotta keep my cred up somehow, right?