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Great River Produce

Hi again! Lucy here - if you missed my first post last month, just a quick note again that I'll be posting once in a while on Shuttersmack!Several weeks ago I visited my friend Mike's farm. It's an *actual* farm, with goats, chickens, fields of crops, barn cats, tractors, etc. -- my city self is continually amazed! I took some photos for fun, and ones he could use for marketing purposes. Mike’s website launched today, so I'm really excited to share some images from my visit!The farm, named Great River Produce, is located near Maiden Rock, tucked away in the beautifully bluffy region of southwestern Wisconsin, and it’s a dream. I had such a wonderful time touring the farm and snapping pictures of crops, animals, and the gorgeous property.Check out some of my favorite images below, and if you're interested, keep up with farm updates by visiting the website! He'll be offering a CSA starting next summer (you better believe I'm signing on), *plus* he's renting out a building on the property as a rental - a farm view that overlooks Lake Pepin? I'm there.