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hanging out with the llamas

I had brunch with my buddy Stacy this morning and then headed off for some errands at the hardware store. When I arrived, there were llamas! At the hardware store! I mean, my hardware store is awesome in that it always has Otto the dog in it, but llamas? Holy moly!So, of course, I approached to take a photo. The owner of the llamas told me that it was perfectly fine to have photos with the animals. I tried to explain that I merely wanted photos *of* the llamas, not with them, but he literally TOOK THE CAMERA FROM ME and told me to please wrap my arms around each animal for the photo. I was so stunned! He took my camera and started art directing me! But he was a sweet old man, and who was I to argue? So that's why a) I'm in the photo and b) why it's out of focus. :)