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happy holidays

0904medalsmHey guys! Are you winding things down? Ready for some R&R? I certainly hope so.We are staying put this holiday season, and we have no visitors planned. Just time with the family and our friends, and we are so excited for a quiet long weekend. The rush leading up to Christmas is so insane with all the shopping or wrapping or lunches or whatever, that the actual day where everything is closed and you are really just sleeping, eating, watching TV and taking walks is like magic to me. Oh, and fires in the fireplace! Let's not forget about that.Don't get me wrong, I love the pre-holiday hustle. But now? Now it's time to relax. And I am all on board with that idea.And in that spirit, I will be stepping away from the blog until after the long weekend. But trust me when I tell you I'll have a nice, juicy surprise for you when you return on Monday morning.And these photos here? They probably look familiar. These are a small sampling of my favorite shots from this year. To see my full edit (about 40 images or so), click on over here. And happy holidays!09wEnrique Iglesias performs at the Target Center on February 21, 2015. ] Photo by Leslie Plesser • Special to the Star Tribune0917rainsm07sm5