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happy spring, minnesota!

0415tulipswAttention internet readers: We have hit 70 degrees so step away from the computer and get thee outside!I took that photo of tulips earlier in the week (Nyberg brought them by last weekend, and they just keep getting lovelier and lovelier!). And sure, I could go outside and snap a fresh spring photo. But then I would have to come BACK inside to upload it. And my goal today is to finish as much work as possible by 2 pm, and then cut out early, walk the lake, get in a workout and drive around with my windows down and my music loud. Just like high school.We even set up the patio furniture last night! (Dear God, please don't snow again.)For your internet shares of the day, here are some tiny houses you can rent while on vacation this summer! Here are some very pretty things to buy for your  home (check out that bed...), here is a kid's book that I think looks fantastic and, ladies, here is a pretty honest Q&A with an obgyn about that particular job (and other womanly issues). Happy weekend, y'all!