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happy weekend!

0811pediwSomeone got her annual pedicure yesterday. And someone else needs one baaaaaaad.I seriously should do this more often -- not because I enjoy them (I don't -- I really hate people touching my feet), but because by the time I do finally roll around to getting one my feet are SO GROSS that I feel horrendous for the poor woman working on them.But I digress.It's almost the weekend! Yay! And the weather is supposed to be lovely and I couldn't be more excited. To get you prepped, here are my internet shares:+ President Obama's summer playlist. I noticed on the graphic he put on twitter that Prince is listed, but sadly spotify doesn't have rights to that music, so just imagine that on here as well.+ This article about Trump's honesty when put under oath is fascinating.+ A loyal reader shared this video about a landscape photographer with me and it is gorgeous and you should all go watch it.+ The New York Times thinks everyone should visit Minneapolis for a weekend. I agree.