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happy earth day from minnesota

Yup, on Earth Day in Minnesota you get another blizzard. This morning all the snow was gone -- for the first time since last week's storm. I actually thought as I was pulling out of the driveway, "Maybe I should photograph the front yard today, since I can finally SEE IT." And six hours later, it's covered again. Completely.

The sidewalk by itself was too boring to shoot, so I thought I'd have Merlin walk toward me and photograph his beautiful mane blowing in the wind. Except he's so sick of the snow that when I told him to stay, he just laid down and audibly groaned. Yup.

Honestly, I think it's beautiful. I was angry about the late snow a few weeks ago, but now that I've given up on shovelling, I'm in a much happier place.

Also, as I said above, today is Earth Day, and that means that it was 10 years ago today that we brought Memphis home from the rescue. She was so small that she slept in a box on the floor next to the bed, and I left my arm hanging over the side of the mattress all night into her box so she would stop crying. What an adorable pain-in-the-ass from the beginning. Damn, I miss her.

For your internet share of the day, I have to give credit to my husband. This is the best find ever, it's called RunPee. It's an app that you put on your phone, and you start it when the movie begins at the theater. It will alert you when the best time to take a bathroom break is by having your phone vibrate -- then, it tells you how long you have to get back to the theater for the good stuff, AND it tells you what you missed! HOW AWESOME IS THAT? If my mom had a smart phone, she would totally dig this as she could then time her smoke breaks.

Warning: The site I'm sending you to is hideous. While this is a great idea for an app, they need some design help stat.