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happy, happy winter

Oh, what a lovely snow we're having. And I am 100% thrilled about it because I made Jamie get up and out before noon (ok, around noon) so we could run our errands and be back home by 1:30 -- which was right when it began to snow. How lovely is THIS?The lighter smudge at the bottom of the door window is Merin watching me take photos in the snow. It is so, so pretty and quiet out right now. And all we have left to do today is a touch of laundry and snuggling under covers watching TV while sipping tea. Hibernation is the bomb.Oh! And the errands we ran! They were to West Elm to pick up the finishing pieces to my office! I know, I know I haven't blogged about it yet. It's because while it was pretty much finished back in November, I didn't have any art hung because all the pieces I wanted to hang were in my art show! And now I have them back and I'm figuring out how to hang/organize my favorite pieces. And then I promise a finished blog post. Now if I can only find those pesky "before" photos...