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heavenly skies. heavenly bed.

0406heavensmWhat a day! I am in DC right now on a photo assignment (!!), and I'm having a blast. Tonight, after we'd wrapped up for the day, we walked out into Old Town Alexandria and had an amazing dinner. On our way back to the hotel, I caught these delicious clouds -- so lovely.And now I'm back at the Westin about to crawl into my heavenly bed where my heavenly infant cannot wake me. Oh dear lord, I am so excited.But. In other news, it was announced today that the Star Tribune has bought City Pages and is closing down This is so sad, as that was such a huge part of my career. I devoted seven years to that magazine, and I learned so much and did some of the work I am most proud of while there. I am, of course, sad about its demise.For your internet share today, how about we cheer things up with celebrity prom photos? Come on, you know you want to see what Brad Pitt, Michelle Obama and Julia Roberts wore!