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hello denver

Tonight I flew to Denver to visit an old childhood friend who has known me since I was 12 and obsessed with Motley Crüe, Def Leppard and Skid Row. What? Don't look at me like that. You know you loved Dr. Feelgood as well.Anyway, I avoided my camera all day today because I kept thinking I would shoot the sky at sunset while I was flying. Sadly, it didn't occur to me that at 6:45, when I was airborne, there would be no sunset as it's clearly pitch dark by then. Way to plan ahead, Leslie.So, um, I shot this *lovely* photo of the Denver terminal instead. Er, sorry about that.In all honesty, I also shot a photo of Luke, the 3 year old who was waiting up for me when I arrived in his adorable rocket pajamas, but I wasn't too happy with the shot, and I'm sure I'll get more of him in the next few days. So airport terminal it is, you lucky ducks!