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her, again

I know, I know, I know. She was on the blog yesterday. But look at that face! I took some other photos today, and you just have to trust me that she was the best option. I mean, really, it's hard to beat those eyes! Plus, I have a story.So yesterday when I was blogging about what a good girl she was, I thought she was asleep on the couch in the next room. I was wrong.She had snuck into the basement and eaten an entire beanbag. Like the kind you play Cornhole with. She ate the cloth and all of the old, dried corn -- all of it. This has made backyard cleanup most interesting, to say the least.Obviously, I spoke too soon on my blog yesterday about how well behaved she was being. But I will say that tonight at obedience class she was AMAZING. She sat in a stay for 20 seconds while I dropped the leash and went to play with a prop in the class and other dogs ran around her. And she didn't move. Clearly, we had exhausted her -- but I'll take it!Let's see... what else happened today. Oh yeah, I made an appointment for an interview to be on TV. No big deal. (!!!) In all honesty, I know that many things that are filmed for TV never end up airing, and I'll be suprised if this segment comes to fruition. But neverless, I've never been asked to do this before, and it's kindof excitingNow... what do I wear? That's the big question.