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hi mom!

Good morning! Or evening! Or whatever!On Saturday (which still feels like today since I haven't technically gone to bed yet) I saw fourteen shows, but in those I saw Deer Tick twice, Dawes once and Middle Brother twice -- so overall I guess you could say I saw twelve different bands. Anyway! Who cares! Point is, I was busy. And finally, FINALLY I got some sun in Texas. I am a full believer in returning from SXSW a tad hungover, sleep deprived and sunburnt. Check, check, check.This shot was from the Middle Brother show at Auditorium Shores. I love how people who don't know the band's music at all would look at Matt here and think I was at a metal show (not the case at all). My two favorite moments of this particular show were when a) Matt said hello to his mother in the crowd (who was right up in front with the kids -- go Mom!) and then proceeded to tell the audience about growing up in Austin and his first recreational drug use at the exact park he was playing at. (And cue the video cameras right on Mom's face then -- poor, poor woman.)My second favorite part of the show was during a long guitar solo when both Matt and John jumped into the crowd to play while body surfing, and even waving to each other while doing so. Both Deer Tick and Delta Spirit are two of my favorite bands to shoot because of their stage antics, but it was super fun to see them bring it out in each other even more so on this tour. And it made so many other shows seem so very boring (sorry Bright Eyes).