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What a perfect Sunday. There was some sleeping in, lots of delicious coffee, great new music, catching up with friends on the telephone and a ton of reading. I don't think it gets much better than that. I wanted to share with you two great discoveries that I dove into today.The first is the Smith Westerns. A friend of mine had, um, loaned me a bunch of new music at the end of last week, and I hadn't had a chance to listen to it all until today. This was a very fun surprise, and at the top of the heap (along with the new Iron and Wine album). You can listen over here. And please ignore the *horrible* page design.The second find was an amazing travel and photo blog. I must attribute my buddy Margaret for sharing this find with me, and man did it suck me in. I read this blog for, uh, FOUR HOURS today. I read the entire thing (and you should to). It's written by a young couple who were just married in September and took six months off of work to travel the world. So far they have been to: France, England, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine, Hong Kong and Thailand. Their photos are *stunning,* as is their sense of adventure. Oh wait. I haven't given you the link yet, have I? Are you salivating? You should be. Here it is.And that pretty much has consumed my day. I am about to actually bathe (since it's SEVEN P.M.) and then make some home made soup. Then I will delve into magazines and more music before I come to the realization that tomorrow I go back to work.*The photo above was taken on my way up the stairs to find my slippers. That's about as much as I was willing to work today, but I thought it captured the mood pretty well.