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0510hostaswI have a love/hate relationship with hostas. When we bought our house, they were EVERYWHERE in the back yard. And they were the kind of hostas I hate.Then we moved into the house with Memphis and Merlin and those beasts disregarded every kind of fencing we put around the yard and destroyed all the plants (even ferns, even hostas). And then a few years back I found some hostas that I actually liked, and I started planting them in again.I did this mainly because our backyard is super tough to grow things in (weird soil and the sun/shade ratio changes drastically as the season wears on), and hostas are ideal for that environment. Long story short? I love the hostas I have now, and I love how the light comes through them. And they are opening up right now in our yard, and I had to snap a photo.I have a few internet shares today:+ The latest stories on Humans of New York had me sobbing at my desk today. It's so important and so well done, and I will be donating to this cause. But seriously... it's heart wrenching.+ I don't think I will ever own a cabin up north, but if I did, it would look like this.+ I've been working out a ton lately. I do not look like this. (But I wish I did!) (Wait, I mean I wish I could do those moves and look that graceful -- not her actual body shape. Which is lovely! But for me to get that skinny would require very unhealthy choices.)