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Tonight was's annual Hotness party. We have this issue each year that chooses the hottest male and females in the city (based on who gets nominated by their friends). Then the night before the issue drops, we have a big party to celebrate. This year's event was held at the Women's Club of Minneapolis, which as far as I can tell is like the Junior League. Lots of rich, older, charitable women run this place... and I think they might have been a tad worried about handing it over to us. Mwahahaha. But it was fine, and I think everyone had a great time. My favorite part was how these sweet elderly women kept bringing out trays of appetizers and pushing them on people like only grandmothers can. "Try these -- they're really good. NO. NOT THAT ONE, THAT'S COLD. Yes, this one over here. That's better, sweetie."This shot is technically not great, but I love examining everything going on. Because there was a fashion show at this year's event, the Fashionistas were fully represented -- and that's always entertaining. For instance, can you spot the giant fur hat in the photo? Also, Margaret and Pat are in there as well. Along with my buddy Carlos. And Cadillac Kolstad is playing piano in the back corner. I guess what I'm trying to say is, the people watching at these events? Yeah. That's the best part.