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human pin cushion

This morning I had a three hour doctor appointment at the allergist. Yes, you read that right, it was THREE HOURS long. It was my first ever appointment at the allergist, and they pricked my skin something like 62 times to see what I was allergic to. One of the tests was dogs. Really? Do I need to be poked for that one? Cuz I'm pretty sure I would know by now if the creatures that end up in my bed 70 percent of most nights are causing difficulty in my breathing. Anyway, in case you weren't sure, I am NOT allergic to dogs. Rocket scientists, I tell you.Apparently I *am* allergic to certain molds and dust mites. But the real reason I went to the allergist was not to find out about my springtime runny nose, but rather to get an inhaler so I could start running. Ahem. Now I have one. So... um... we'll see how the running goes... just as soon as we get back down under 90 degrees. Also? Yes they used all of these needles. And? I *do* have photos of my arms all welted up. But I didn't think anyone wanted to see that, so I stuck with the needle image instead. (No pun intended.)