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i want to teach you some tricks!

1fambadLook at those adorable kids up there. That's my niece and nephew! Eloise is now in her second year of college (and a total music and food snob... obviously we are related) and Henry there is in high school, and I'm thinking that expression on his face sums up his current feelings on homework. Just guessing.Anyway! The reason I'm posting these old photos is because I want to give a few small tips on how to make your family photos better. I'm guessing a lot of your family photos look similar to those above. How about making them look more like this?06smHow cute are those two? Adorable. So here are a few tricks to turn your own photos around:Step one: TURN OFF YOUR FLASH. Sorry, I don't mean to yell at you. But the flash on point-and-shoot cameras is 95% evil. It creates red eye and weird shadows and makes everyone's skin tone look off. It's like that guy at the bar in the over-accessorized jeans -- it should not be trusted.Second step: Clear the clutter. Make sure you are shooting in a clean area where the focus will be your kids' faces and not the stuff all over the table.Third step: Stop asking your kids to pose for the camera. My own mother used to do this (still does it) and man do I hate it (sorry mom). Instead take photos when your family is naturally having fun! You'll capture much more relaxed expressions and better memories that way anyway.Fourth step: Oh come on! I can't give you all of my secrets for free on the blog! But come to my workshop on January 4 and I'll teach you a TON more (composition! the power of light! how to better use your camera and what all those settings mean!) and on top of all that, I'll ply you with delicious snacks. I promise it will be a good time.I would also like to note that I am not sure who took the photos at the top of this post -- it could have been me or someone else -- I just grabbed a few from my film files. Also, if it was a dear family member of mine who reads this blog post, please do not take offense. You should see the dog photos I found that I shot in high school! Those will make an excellent post someday soon :)And for your internet share of the day, speaking of reminiscing on high school, a friend shared these photos of the now overgrown and abandoned Joyland. This was the amusement park that I frequented growing up, and it makes me so sad that it's now closed. I was terrified by many a clown here, not to mention that wooden roller coaster.